Wednesday 2 March 2011

One BIG flop, one success

I have been PMS-ing pretty bad this week so I thought I would let myself indulge a bit and bake something to keep my spirits up. Now alot of the dessert recipes I've found on PPK, AFR have ingredients in them which I can't seem to find in my hood... but I did happen to come across one recipe that looked simple enough.....

Ginger Chocolate Chunk Scones Pile Up

Now, I thought i would keep it a little healthier and substitute some of the ingredients in the recipe, ooooohhhhh man was that a BAD BAD BAD Idea!!! I think for baked goods it's really hard to sub some ingredients unless you're quite familiar with how they effect the mix. So instead of using regular flour i sub'd for Brown Rice Flour, the sugar for this organic sweetener and for the chocolate I sub'd for Carob...this is what came out :(

So I guess brown rice flour shouldn't be used for cookies?? the mixture just looked and funny and didnt have the right texture...anyway suffice to say it tasted like s***! Ended up cutting up a fresh pineapple instead.... yum yum, shoulda just done that in the first place

My success for the day..... *drumroll please* Baked Falafel, added one whole chili to the mix to give it that extra kick. I love my spice and everything tastes better with chili (my husband says I should carry chili flakes in my bag since I"m always asking for it in restaurants) !!!

Along with the baked falafel I made some small portobello mushrooms sauteed with garlic and a lil EVOO and a side of baby kale.... I think I definitely got my days worth of nutrients on this one dish...


  1. Ooo, your dinner sounds and looks delish! Sorry about the cookies - I don't know enough about rice flour to advise you.

    As far as your q to me on my previous comment, we leave everything up to the Lord, including childbirth. So, I'm just resting in that thought. :-)

  2. sooo funny! I am obsessed with chili flakes too! LOL I have been known to carry them in my purse before. Also jalepenos are another fav, especially pickled. I think I'm going to try pickling my own this year!! :)

  3. oohh yep I love jalapenos... can't get enough of spicy foods. I wonder if too much is bad for ya...
    LV - how do you pickle your own chilis?

    Blessedmama - We have been praying very hard and hope that He will bless us with one soon....
