Sunday 27 February 2011

Spring is in the air!!!

A beautiful beautiful Sunday! Sun was out, cold is now long gone yippee

My hubby (Ben) is super excited since Wakeboard season has finally started up again. We spent most of the afternoon on the boat soaking in the rays :) It was a little bit windy but still definitely lifted my spirits. Just can't believe the weekend is already over - back to work

I was pretty hungry after being on the boat and my friends gave a lovely suggestion of making a veggie shepherd's pie...!! why didnt I think of to the super

It's amazing how fast the shopping cart fills up with veggies but it never lasts the whole week. How do others manage weekly groceries with their veggies... and i have the tiniest fridge in the world so it's so jard to stuff everything in... anyway about 70% of the veggies I got today ended up going in my pie....

Veggie Shepherds Pie with Sweet potato instead of potato...

Saturday 26 February 2011

Mushroom, grilled zucchini and tomato Pizza (GF)

I found the perfect health food store by the referral of some fellow bloggers. I was in the neighborhood yesterday after my TCM visit so I decided to have a look around. I absolutely love walking around grocery stores, I love seeing weird and new products on shelf, love walking down the cereal aisle (although now i can't eat most of em) and love exploring the 'international' food section. I think deep down inside I wanna be a chef, just don't have the skills hahahahhaha

Well to start off my doctors visit went very well, the doc was super nice and she really was thorough explaining PCOS and completely supported my decision on going vegan and wanting to go the natural route in healing myself. Unlike my other OB/GYN she didn't make me feel really negative and scared about it but told me that I need to feel positive in order for my body to readjust too. I think it was also the fact that she really took her time with me and wasn't rushing me, or made me feel stupid when I asked her questions like the other doc... so I think my mind and soul is a little more at peace and I'm feeling more confident about my decision. :) Thumbs up to doc

So I had a few hours to kill before picking up my medicine (they have to boil the herbs and package it) so I decided to check out Health Gate located in Sheung Wan in a commercial building. It's not the biggest store but none of them usually are, unless their a big chain. They had a lot of stuff that I haven't been able to get my hands on, but wow is it pricey!!!! I think I now know one of the reasons why people don't eat so healthy, it's so darn expensive! I dont think I could imagine buying this stuff if I had a family of four to feed or something... maybe it's jus HK??

Well I was pretty careful selecting what I wanted to get (I can always come back and buy more) found the brown rice Krispies!! Yay now i can make one of the recipes from TKD and I found the egg replacer, GF Pizza Bases (this was super expensive) and some GF, V Snacks... finally something to much on... lol

So heres what was on for dinner last night, I was inspired from the recipe in TKD and added some other ingredients that I had in the fridge...

Mushroom, Grilled Zucchini and Tomato Pizza

Thursday 24 February 2011

Traditional Chinese Medicine

I think it's about time now that I get myself back to the doctors and check my progress, although this time i wont be seeing a Western Medicine doctor - I've decided that if I'm going to be feeding my body with all natural then I'm going to see an 'all Natural' doctor and try Chinese medicine. My appointments tomorrow, so fingers crossed that she can tell me if my body's looking a bit more healthy.

Now I've been trying as hard as I can to be gluten-free too and man it's been a bit of a challenge trying to figure out exactly what I can and cannot eat.... ugh...

Anyway, I found a pretty cool recipe on Gluten Free Diva's blog and tried it out - a pretty easy to follow recipe and delicious. Had it for lunch today and dinner and am feeling very very full!!

Breakfast was quite tasty - I found mochi at Citysuper and made the pan fried Mochi from TKD with a little little drizzle of maple syrup (I know they kinda look like sunny side up eggs without the yolk..) hahahah. If you havent tried this, I highly recommend it. Very satisfying...

From Gluten Free Diva's blog: Spicy Sesame Peanut Noodles 

So my husband called me today to tell me that, Yes indeed he is buying his bike tomorrow... eeeekkkkk
Ah well the heart wants what the heart wants...and he does look pretty sekshi in his helmet hahahahah

Wednesday 23 February 2011

AFR - Success!!

I think I'm finally getting the hang of cooking Vegan, last night I made a yummy recipe from AFR

1- Thai Red Curry Tofu
2- Bhutanese Pineapple Rice
3- Sautee Green Beans

It did take awhile to make cuz I was using the same pan but totally worth it

After dinner, I got to open a package from my mother in law, I love getting packages from her as they come in brown paper and string... Is it just the UK that still does this?? LOVE IT

Two adorable mugs as a belated Valentines Present, how sweet. Handmade from Stoke on Trent (where she's from)

Can't wait to make a nice hot steamy cup of Chai in these :)  Thanks Mom!!

Now tonight was a bit of a mad rush, met my hubby and came home together. Which means not much time to get dinner on the table. I had some left over from last night, so tonight I just bunged it all in a pan and stir fryed it again adding some bean sprouts and sriracha sauce to add some extra kick to it. I like it spicy, spicier the better .... looked yummy enough that even hubby wanted to try it. Felt bad cuz he said mine tasted yummier than his... mental note - take more time preparing his dinner too.. hahahahahha
what can i say, was starving and jus wanted some food in me belly!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

More Farming

This past weekend the fam made another trip up to ShekKong to check on our little farming plot. The owner rented out another plot of land for us so now we have two..yay more organic veggies for us... was a pretty cold day but we braved the cold and rain and went.....

I forgot to bring my camera with me when we went to plant the seeds so the photos are post farming...

Mom and Dad were enjoying a hot cup of coffee while I munched on some granola admiring our picks of the day... so what did I make with these fresh veggie you ask?.....

Well I looked into TKD and whipped up some braised daikons....again does not look as nice as the photo in her books...

And roasted up the carrots and some broccoli.... dont know why I never thought to roast veggies in the oven.... drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper...yummmmmm

I've been dying to try out some more recipes from TKD and since it was so freakin cold this past weekend I made the 'Nabeyaki Udon' from her book:
I think this is THE ONLY recipe I've made that actually looks like the photo....well done me...
and it tasted good too...such a light vegetable broth but soo flling and satisfying...

Monday 21 February 2011

Gluten Free Baking

Just in care you missed this article on PPK Forum...A  couple of recipes for gluten free, dairy free baking yay!!!

I need some advice on how I can incorporate organic raw cacao powder into desserts..suggestions?

Awesome GF Baking Recipes

Friday 18 February 2011

PCOS - Helpful link

So I have been searching online to find a good TCM (traditional chinese medicine) Doctor to help with my PCOS. For those of you other women who have PCOS i thought this article might be helpful....

Confused :(

I'm getting very confused on how to use this blogging keeps asking me to sign in with a profile when i want to comment on my own blogs... ???
Never done this stuff before and am feeling very computer illterate....advive?

Thursday 17 February 2011

MAGIC BULLET!!! well almost

I finally got myself a Magic Bullet - not that exact brand but similar contraption. It is AMAZING!!!! Used it today to make my cashew sauce for my Baked tofu wrap.

I made this wrap based on this tofu wrap I had at life Cafe...hmmm not as good but very close. I'm still having a tough time baking tofu. I'm either buying the wrong type of tofu or i'm just not good at baking it. I bought the one that said for 'pan frying' but it still kinda fell apart.. I'm very happy with dinner tonight... will prolly make it for lunch tomorrow.

Just had half an am pretty full, might dig in to the second half in a bit after hubby comes home...

Baked Tofu Wrap:

1) Slice the tofu and marinade in Thai Green Curry paste, Agave, Soy Sauce, Sriracha sauce
2) Bake at 175 for 20 mins and then flip and bake other side for 20 mins
3) Grate carrot, wash sprouts

4) Cashew Sauce:

  • In your processor - blend cashews, shallots, lime juice, soysauce, agave, sriracha sauce and a little bit a water if its too creamy
5) Get your tortilla wrap, layer carrots, tofu, cashew sauce and sprouts, roasted red peppers and ENJOY

Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day to all my sugar puffs xoxo

My husband is the most amazing person in the whole world, not only has he been the most supportive about my decision to go Vegan but he has booked dinner at my fav vegan restaurant for valentines day.....

We had an amazing day together, spent the morning in the gym burning off some energy then got ready and had a nice chill dinner at Life Cafe.

Tofu Skewers and Eggplant Dip

Mushroom Risotto

Veggie Burger

Best Valentines Day - Yummy Cakealicious

Thursday 10 February 2011

New Recipe - Lasagna yum**

Hmmmm why is it that my meals never turn out like the pictures in the cookbooks....

got the loveliest little bag of organic groceries straight from the farm from my mom... what a great surprise to come home to... she dropped them off on her way home. So I found out today that my folks have rented out a lot in an organic farm out in Yuen Long..... why didnt they tell me beforehand! I wanna rent a lot too... I'm going to join them on their visit this weekend and help them plant some seeds... yay!!!

check out some of the goodies
I love carrots like this......reminds me of Peter Rabbit LOL

For dinner I tried another recipe, 'Lasagna with Roasted Cauliflower Ricotta & Spinach' from 'AFR'

Noodles were slightly undercooked...but delicioso!!

Cant seem to get the color mode right on my camera...colors didnt come out as bright.. :( with is I made myself a salad with a peanut & Lime dressing

My folks also got a present of Korean Apples and Pears from a friend today....yum yum..... grabbed about 5 each for me and hubby...

Look at the size of these things!
The middle apple are those lil ones you get from France.....but still the Korean Pear and Apple are GINORMOUS!!!!!!!

Dim Sum Temptation.....oh my

Now, I dont think I can begin to tell you my love for anything dim sum... if i could eat it everyday I would.
Today we had a company lunch at our regular dim sum restaurant... being Chinese New Year, we wanted to treat our team. I was pretty sure there would be lots of veggie options, since most Chinese restaurants have em, but I got to the restaurant a little later and the ordering had been done.

Out comes the crunchy pork belly, char siu, steamed buns, shiu mai..... oh my.... it's been nearly two months since I've been vegan so this was really putting me infront of tempation. I requested some veggie dishes and the only thing that came out was steamed lettuce and a dish with kale and mushrooms.. (i think the only filling thing I could eat)

The sucky thing about eating with other non-vegans is that the veggie dish always comes out towards the end of the meal...esp when ur eating at a chinese banquet style i sat there for most of the lunch sipping on my tea watching everyone else gorge themselves... not fun..altho it did kinda put me off the meaty dishes.... never really thought about how gross it is watching other people eating meat, sucking meat off the bones and spitting it out...

Anyway - I fought through any temptation, and I have to say this has been a big accomplishment for me.... my second hurdle ... passed!

My first hurdle was during my first month of being husband suggested we go for Korean BBQ (we had a $300 cash coupon that was about to expire, he wasnt trying to tempt me LOL) so I tagged along. Although my sister told me ot to go... i dont think she had much faith in me....hahahahah.....anyway I did NOT give into tempation instead I ate a big bowl of acorn jelly salad and vegetable stone pot rice....I left the restaurant satisfied and fulfilled that I didnt give in! hurray for me.....

So all in all....what was the lesson learned toda? Well today has taught me that I can do this, as much as I thought I might crumble, I havent...and I feel more in control of my body than I have ever's quite empowering ...... going home with a big smile on my face :)

** Note for all who think they won't be able to do this....... If I can do it.... seriously seriously... YOU CAN DO IT xoxo

Wednesday 9 February 2011

good to be home.... *yawn

What a long day today's turned out to be, spent all morning and afternoon at work crunching numbers then had to run out to complete 4 store visits all around Hong Kong. And what do u happens to be a crazy day! I think in the Chinese Calendar it's a lucky day, there were dragon dancers EVERYWHERE!!! which means lots and lots of people everywhere. This is especially hard when you're trying to get from shop A-B.....

Thank God i had a good and filling lunch to keep me going all day.... ahhh.... so for lunch I had the eggplant curry and biryani again...made enough to last about three days. This makes meal planning so much easier throughout the week.... especially days like today when i get home and sit down to my meal at 9pm.....

Dinner I defrosted the Chipotle and Lentil burgers I pre-made on Sunday. I had them on a bed of organic salad mix, tomatoes and wholewheat pita. I finally found some spread a thin layer of that. now the burger patties were super yummy, but they did not grill well AT ALL. They completly fell apart on the grill, I wonder what I did wrong.... recipe can be found in 'Appetite for Reduction' (image of book below)

I think I'm going to have to go on her blog and see if anyone else has some tips on how to keep these patties from crumbling. I had some veggie patties at Life Cafe and i think they had brown rice mixed in...maybe that'll work.

Anyway, I did get a tiny bit peckish after all my shop visits so I bought a snack from Citysuper...yumm japanese pumpkins and pickled veggies....

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Coolest lunch box ever!!!!

I have been scouring shops to find a decent enough lunch box that is the right size, has the proper partitions and one that is easy to carry to and from work. Now my job entails me to be out of office alot, 60% of the time I am out and about merchandising my shops. So having a bulky lunch box just makes it annoying, and the ones that have been easy to carry around dont have enough space for the type of lunch I want to bring.

Sunday while I was out shopping in Citysuper I found a collapseable lunch box! Awesome! and it has two partitions, which is great keeps things.... un-soggy....

I didnt have time yesterday to input my meals so I'm adding them to todays post.



I made an eggplant and chickpea curry with cranberry biryani rice...all from my new fav cookbook. Appetite for reduction (ALL vegan recipes)


I made the same 'Pad Thai' salad but this time I added some rice noodles since it didnt quite fill me up enough the night before.

For breakfast this morning I had my homemade granola with almond milk, which I think tastes alot better than Rice Milk, not as watery.

No picture since I was in a rush, now if only I could find some good breakfast ideas that I can eat on the go...something filling....

My gf came over last night to drop off some groceries she got for me at the Indian Supermarket...what a good friend. Anyway she made me some lovely Indian food so that's what I got on the menu today. I have Dahl, which I think is yellow lentils and some kind of Spinach thing,...i forgot the name.....
Now it doesnt look very appetizing but it was very yummy! And it kept me full all day....


I had the 'Pad Thai' for dinner again tonight, but minus the rice noodles and had some burdock kinpira...quick and easy dinner. I wasn't as hungry since i was still full from lunch.

Sunday 6 February 2011

busy busy busy...

Finally finally made some time today to run some errands, plan my meals for the week and go everything at the market. Thank god some of the shops were open in the wet all my veggies for the week for HK$70.... woulda been triple if I went to the grocery store...

What a busy day, I think everyone was out in shopping mode today.... lines and lines of people outside Louis and Chanel, couldnt walk in a straight line cuz there were so many people pushing past.

I had to run into Citysuper today to pick up some spices that they dont sell in regular markets.... preparing for a whole afternoon of cooking from my new favourite cookbook 'Vegan with a Vengance'

Lunch was quite a light lunch today since I was out and hadn't prepared anything, and couldnt be bothered to go sit at a restaurant. Citysuper had some great vegan options, so I picked up a mixed pack of Kinpira, Eggplant and Cucumbers..

Dinner was light too since I was so tired from preparing this weeks lunch..... *yawn

I made the 'Pad Thai' from 'Appetite for Reduction' with the most yummiest peanut - lime dressing... delish... i was a bit hungry so I had some tomato salsa and corn chips on the side....