Tuesday 1 February 2011

The reason for doing what I'm doing.....

This blog is intended to record my journey into Veganism - To start I want to state my reasons for this change in lifestyle. So this whole journey didn't start for me because I wanted to lose weight or save the world one animal at a time or because I was following any new diet trend; it started more for health reasons. The one goal- being to be able to have a healthy  baby. 

It started with my ob/gyn telling my I had PCOS (this was during one of those visits when the purpose of the visit was to tell him that my husband and I were actually trying for a baby, so it was quite a shocker when he told me it would be hard)  He told me my hormone levels were out of whack and that it would either a) be hard to conceive or b) high chance of miscarriage..... in-spite of the bad news....lo and behold a few weeks later we found out on NYE 2010 that I was indeed pregnant. This news made me feel a whole bunch of things all at once, I was overjoyed, confused and most of all worried. What if....

I didn't like that I was experiencing my first pregnancy in such a negative way and having to take so much medication - 'Make sure you rest' , "Make sure you take your hormone shots every day' , 'make sure you take your Glucose tablets' etc etc...

Sadly, 4 weeks later after being on bedrest we found out I had miscarried. Despite being an early miscarriage, I still felt like a huge part of me had disappeared, I was praying everyday 'please god let us have a healthy happy child'... I guess God was telling us -  it wasn't the right time.

Now my Ob/Gyn was pumpin me with hormone drugs and such and I felt like there must be a better way to overcome this. This is when I stumbled on a site that discussed natural methods of treating PCOS ... AIM = treat your body to 'good' food and your body will balance itself out. This made perfect sense to me! Why was I feeding myself all this crap and thinking none of it would effect me?!.. So I started this change for a week (consisted of changing most produce to organic, staying away from processed food and all 'white' food) 

This felt good, but after more reading and searching online, I fell upon Alicias 'The Kind Diet' this book opened up a whole new perspective for me. Let me tell u I've never been one to stick to any diets, watch what I eat, or regularly exercise, but this book had a different meaning for me, this whole change has a different meaning for me. I need to treat myself better so that I can provide my 'baby' the most healthiest and strongest environment.... when something like this happens it wakes you up to see how much damage you do to your body without even knowing it....

Now I'm still new to this and learning each step of the way, and I regularly visit 'The Kind Life' forum and get loads of support from fellow vegans. But for some reason I had this feeling that I also wanted a space where I could write my thoughts, challenges and also my daily meals so that throughout my journey I can reflect back and see how I've progressed throughout. Who knows someone out there might actually read this and feel inspired to change their lives too... 

So begins my journey.... Now I'm startin from one month into my transition so some of the meals might be a little random but the main thing is that I'm trying and am committing myself to this.... 

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