Saturday 26 February 2011

Mushroom, grilled zucchini and tomato Pizza (GF)

I found the perfect health food store by the referral of some fellow bloggers. I was in the neighborhood yesterday after my TCM visit so I decided to have a look around. I absolutely love walking around grocery stores, I love seeing weird and new products on shelf, love walking down the cereal aisle (although now i can't eat most of em) and love exploring the 'international' food section. I think deep down inside I wanna be a chef, just don't have the skills hahahahhaha

Well to start off my doctors visit went very well, the doc was super nice and she really was thorough explaining PCOS and completely supported my decision on going vegan and wanting to go the natural route in healing myself. Unlike my other OB/GYN she didn't make me feel really negative and scared about it but told me that I need to feel positive in order for my body to readjust too. I think it was also the fact that she really took her time with me and wasn't rushing me, or made me feel stupid when I asked her questions like the other doc... so I think my mind and soul is a little more at peace and I'm feeling more confident about my decision. :) Thumbs up to doc

So I had a few hours to kill before picking up my medicine (they have to boil the herbs and package it) so I decided to check out Health Gate located in Sheung Wan in a commercial building. It's not the biggest store but none of them usually are, unless their a big chain. They had a lot of stuff that I haven't been able to get my hands on, but wow is it pricey!!!! I think I now know one of the reasons why people don't eat so healthy, it's so darn expensive! I dont think I could imagine buying this stuff if I had a family of four to feed or something... maybe it's jus HK??

Well I was pretty careful selecting what I wanted to get (I can always come back and buy more) found the brown rice Krispies!! Yay now i can make one of the recipes from TKD and I found the egg replacer, GF Pizza Bases (this was super expensive) and some GF, V Snacks... finally something to much on... lol

So heres what was on for dinner last night, I was inspired from the recipe in TKD and added some other ingredients that I had in the fridge...

Mushroom, Grilled Zucchini and Tomato Pizza


  1. Hey! I'm teddyplanet on the PPK forums, I've been reading your blog, it's so cute! ^^
    I'm the same in supermarkets, I love finding new and interesting ingredients, and I have so many random things at home that I still need to use!
    Pizza looks delish, too!

  2. Hi, There! Shall I call you 852 for short? :-) I just read several of your posts and love your blog. I'm in the dark, I guess, because I don't know what PCOS is. I've gathered that it's hormone related? I'll have to do look it up and learn more. Also, I'm very sad you lost your baby; even at four weeks we develop a bond with them and love them so much. I've lost three: 3 weeks, 14 weeks and 17 weeks, so if you ever need to talk, I might be able to understand your pain - even though it's different for each one of us. I pray that God blesses you with a successful pregnancy this year! As far as not being able to comment freely on your own blog, you need to sign in first, on your dashboard, so the blog recognizes you. Then you can comment on yours and everyone else's with out having to sign in each time. Hope this helps, and welcome to the blogging world!

  3. Hi Teddyplanet - thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like the posts. I've never blogged before and sometimes feel like i'm just rambling hahahah

    Hi Blessedmama - PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) yes it is hormone related, basically women who have this find it difficult to get pregnant because of the cysts...
    I'm so sorry for your losses as well, are you still trying?
    As much as it was hard I think my husband and i have learnt to see the positive out of this whole thing. It's made me become more aware of my health, and its made us both realize just how much we do want a baby now. :)
